Does this ever happen to you? Your children come home from school and immediately begin telling you about their day; the new assignment they have for English, how they did on that big Math test, and the field trip to the zoo coming up next week. You just can’t keep up! This is why EduWave® has created a suite of tools to give parents direct access to their children’s education.
With the customizable home page, you can make sure the tools you need to follow your children's progress are easily accessible. EduWave® also offers user-specific tools that are aligned with your needs as a parent; tools that will allow you to see the learning materials, assignments, and assessments of your children's classes, as well as view how they performed on each one.
Being hosted online and compatible with multiple devices and browsers, EduWave® gives you full access to your children’s education from most internet connected devices. The system language can be changed as well so that you can follow your children’s progress more easily.
The learning plan manager gives you a complete overview of the learning path the teacher has created for your children in each class. This makes it easy for you to follow their progress and make sure they are keeping up with their scheduled learning. Our BookZero™ digital textbook format gives you access to the learning materials that your children are using in their class, allowing you to follow along and help out with homework or studying.
It is because of dedicated parents that education can truly take hold and students can succeed in life. You have the power to ensure that your children become educated and productive members of the society. Let us give you the tools!
Please let us know if there is anything you think we have missed or if you would like to learn more about any of the previously mentioned features. Also, if you like what you see here, please take a moment to share it.
EduWave® SIS is packed full with convenient tools for you to see how your children are progressing throughout the year. You can see their class schedule, grades, disciplinary actions, and attendance all in one place.
Throughout the school year, teachers will be posting your children’s grades for you to see. Now, you don't have to wait for progress reports to take corrective actions or praise your children's performance.
No more playing hooky with the EduWave® Attendance Tracker. Any absences will be tracked in the system and easy for you to review with your children. You will also be able to easily see what disciplinary actions have been taken by the school.
With these tools, you will be able to view your children's class schedule to know where they’re supposed to be and when. Paying any fees for materials, special courses, or field trips is much more convenient when you can do it from home.
We know how important it is for you to be in the know when it comes to your children’s education. That is why we have done our best to create tools that make it very easy and convenient for you to so.
Please let us know if there is anything you think we have missed or if you would like to learn more about any of the previously mentioned features. Also, if you like what you see here, please take a moment to share it.
EduWave® CC gives you all the tools you need to communicate and collaborate with teachers or any other member of your education community. With a variety of communication and collaboration tools we have made it easy for you and your children to collaborate with other members of the education community.
With easy-to-use and familiar tools like email and chat you can keep in touch with teachers, parents, and administrators. You now have a direct line with your children's teachers whenever you need it.
With Teacher Commenting, you can see the feedback your children are receiving on their work. With instant access to teacher feedback, you can help your children improve in their studies.
With this cutting-edge video conferencing tool, you can have parent-teacher conferences from the comfort of your own home or anywhere with a wifi connection! Teachers will be able to share online documents with you and you can even conference in more than one user at a time so that both parents can be part of the conference even if you are not in the same place.
Keeping up with your children’s education is a very important task and a lot of the time efficient communication is the best way to do so. This is why we added a comprehensive layer of communication and collaboration tools to our system.
Please let us know if there is anything you think we have missed or if you would like to learn more about any of the previously mentioned features. Also, if you like what you see here, please take a moment to share it.
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